Brian Biddle

THM Attacking Kerberos Writeup

Attacking Kerberos Welcome to my THM Attacking Kerberos writeup. I will only be covering the more technical aspects of the room instead of the reading definition or reading based questions. If ...

THM Attacktive Directory Writeup

Attacktive Directory This is a basic active directory box on THM to learn a simple flow on attacking active directory. Follow along with the first 3 tasks to get things setup for yourself either...

Windows Server 2019 Install

Active Directory Install Today I will be going over my Windows Server installation. I will be using this as my domain controller by setting up Active Directory along with DNS for my local systems...

Proxmox Install

Proxmox Install Reason As discussed in my Homelab post as many who want to start off with homelab, money is an issue. therefore virtualization is our best friend. After trying out different hyp...

PFSense Install

PFSense Install Reason I wanted to have my home network segregated so that I wont have to worry about any other devices interfeering or my home network going down when I am tinkering ( those of...

My Homelab

My Homelab Reason The reason I decided that I needed to have a homelab is for fun! Thats the real answer. but my corprate answer would be so I can get hands on with many different technologies ...

Vulnhub/TryHackMe Mr. Robot

Mr. Robot - vulnhub Flag 1 As always I start with nmap and gobuster. nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial $IP gobuster dir -u http://$IP -w wordlist.txt -x .cgi,.txt,.php,.html,.py,.sh,.jpg,.png -t 2...

THM Windows PrivEsc 2022

Windows Privlage Escelation Writeup Write-up by B4ndw1d7h * First off I want to thank tryhackme and munra for the amazing ...

Vulnhub Momentum 1 Writeup

Momentum 1 First i started off with a network scan to obtain the IP and services of the box nmap $IP/24 nmap -sC -sV -oN nmap/initial $IP once done i see that their is an ssh port and an http ...

THM Vulnversity Writeup

Vulnversity write-up Task Recon use nmap to solve nmap -sV -n $IP Directory traversal use gobuster to solve gobuster dir -u http://$IP:3333 -w /path/to/wordlist Compromise web-server use b...